Not only that, but a VIN helps keep track of mileage to protect against odometer fraud, service history, safety recalls, and theft records. This is a combination of 17 digits and letters that contains important information, such as the manufacturer, year or production, plant it was produced in, engine type, model, and much more. With this John Deere VIN decoder, you can find specific information related to the manufacturer, search for John Deere parts, and find build sheets for John Deere. On 17 digits models the VIN plate will be in the same location but the full VIN will be stamped in near the plate, but not under it.Every vehicle has a unique identifier, like a fingerprint, called a VIN. Under the VIN plate will be the last 6 digits of the VIN stamped in.

On all other models the VIN plate is attached just above left (highway side) cylinder arm. Backhoe Loader Serial Number Type 310-D serial 22416?T. Machine Serial Number Type 9405 serial 02?8T. Seller says thinks its a 1982? Here are what I can make out on plates. Recently purchased a John Deere 310 backhoe and I am trying to identify the year made. John Deere Backhoe Serial Number Identification Example serial number list: Year Number 19 879. Your serial number should lie between two of the stated numbers. The other tractors for that year will have successively higher numbers.

How to read a tractor serial number list: Tractor serial number lists nearly always show the first tractor built in each year. Use the menu at the left to select your tractor manufacturer and model, the serial number list will be on the tractor's data page. How to find tractor serial numbers: lists tractor serial numbers under the individual model.